But Maybe I am Crazy?

I set up this space, with this name, because at one point or another most of us have questioned our place in the world. If you have ever felt as if you don’t fit in, you are not welcomed, you are not received authentically, if you were told “no, the way you do life isn’t right”, you probably have questioned your own sense of self. Wondering “what if they are right? What if I’m not right? What if I’m the crazy one?”

It can be a lonely place to be. This space might not fix any of that for you. There often are not easy solves for folks who think deeply and feel deeply. However, there is true value in your experiences. This might be a place to find commonality and reassurance that the way you are is perfectly imperfect and exactly what you are supposed to be. You are probably not crazy, you are probably a wonderful human.

Plus, having a space that filled with articles, video’s and memes (oh yes there will be many a meme shared here) that are designed to make you laugh, think, recenter and ground might be a nice to scroll through in those moments of self doubt.


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